The effect of a training curriculum according to physiological analysis on the explosive ability of the legs and arms and the striking skill of female volleyball players.


  • Randy Matti Afram "Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Salahaddin University"
  • Safaa Al-Deen Taha Al-hjaj Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Salahaddin University



Training regimen, physiological analysis, explosive capacity


Without a doubt, many of the physical abilities of volleyball are among the basic and important variables in the performance and learning of all volleyball skills, especially strength. Positive and psychological to get through it to increase the team’s balance of points, which leads to victory. And due to the fact that the relationship exists and is fundamental to the force of all kinds, especially the explosive force, which needs to be developed and increased in the possibility of reaching a high degree of importance in the process of implementing the skill of crushing hitting with volleyball. The performance of the skill of crushing hitting requires explosive force and repetitive movements, and its performance depends on the anaerobic effort of the energy system, especially the first system, where Abu Al-Ala mentions that the percentage of the contribution of the phosphate system and lactic acid to the effectiveness of volleyball is 80%.

The study aims to prepare a training curriculum based on the foundations of physiological analysis of volleyball players and to identify the statistical differences between the pre and posttests, the explosive ability of the legs and arms and the crushing skill of the experimental and control groups, and to identify the statistical differences between the experimental group and the control group, the explosive ability of the legs and arms and the crushing skill of the tests. dimensionality.

The research community was determined by the intentional method of the players of Akkad Ankawa Sports Club in volleyball for women, who numbered (24) players. As for the research sample, the best (12) high-hitting players were chosen, where they were divided into two groups by the method of identical pairs, so that each group of (6) High striking players, and the experimental group, which was subjected to the training curriculum of the researcher, and the control group, which applied the training curriculum of the club coach, were selected by drawing lots.

The researcher concluded that the training curriculum according to the physiological analysis that was applied to the high striking players within the experimental group caused a remarkable development in the physical abilities under study, namely (the explosive power of the two legs, the explosive power of the arms), which positively affected the development of the accuracy of the performance of the crushing hitting skill. The curriculum implemented by the control group, which was prepared by the team coach, did not produce a noticeable development in some of the physical capabilities under study, namely (the explosive ability of the arms, the strength distinguished by speed), as well as the crushing skill.


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المجلد السادس عشر العدد 60




How to Cite

Randy Matti Afram, & Al-hjaj, S. A.-D. T. (2024). The effect of a training curriculum according to physiological analysis on the explosive ability of the legs and arms and the striking skill of female volleyball players. Journal of Sport Science, 16(60), 61-76.