The effect of fixed and variable training methods on developing the scoring skill of youth soccer players
method with fixed and variable exercises, scoring skill, football, Youth.Abstract
The research aimed to prepare exercises using the fixed and variable training method for young football players, and to identify the effect of exercises using the fixed and variable training method in developing the football scoring skill. The researcher used the experimental method in the style of the two experimental groups, and the research community was limited to young football players in Diyala Governorate. The research sample was chosen randomly from the original research community, and they are the players of Al-Khalis Sports Club, which numbered (24) players. They were divided into two experimental groups, and by lottery they were divided into two equal groups, with (12) players for each group. Through the results that appeared, the researcher concluded that: Applying exercises specific to the fixed and variable methods led to the development of accuracy in football scoring performance, in addition to the presence of differences in the arithmetic means between the first and second groups, and the superiority of the second experimental group to which exercises specific to the variable method were applied over the first group to which exercises specific to the fixed method were applied in developing the skill. Scoring in football. The researcher recommends using fixed and variable style exercises and developing them in a way that is consistent with the capabilities and levels of the learners and early in the first stages of preparation.
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