Positive thinking and negative thinking among students practicing and non-practicing sports activities


  • Musab Mohammed Abdullah Zakho University
  • Safad Mudhfar Mohammed Zakho University
  • Ayad Tariq Ismael Zakho University




Positive thinking , Negative thinking


The study aimed to identify the differences between the theoretical mean and the answers of the research sample in general in the degree of positive thinking and negative thinking among a sample of students practicing and non-practicing sports activities at the University of Zakho. The sample for the current study included (70) students from the Faculty of Education at the University of Zakho, and it was represented by (40) students from the Department of Physical Education who practice sports activities, as well as (30) students from the Department of Psychology who do not practice sports activities. The study conducted using the descriptive method, due to its suitability to the nature of the research.

    The data processed using (SPSS) as a statistical package by the researcher, and the study resulted in the members of the research sample generally enjoying a high level of positive thought as opposed to negative thought. The results also showed that students who practice sports activities have a higher level of positive thinking than students who do not practice sports activities.

Finally, the study showed there are no differences between students who practice sports activities and students who do not practice sports activities in the level of negative thinking. The researcher concluded with a set of recommendations as follows:

1- Conducting periodic tests to evaluate the degrees of positive and negative thinking among students of both departments.

2- Creating a psychological climate that enhances the positive aspects as well as reduces the negative aspects for students of the two sections of the Department of Education at the University of Zakho.

3- The need to conduct similar future studies on students from other colleges of both genders


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How to Cite

Musab Mohammed Abdullah, Safad Mudhfar Mohammed, & Ayad Tariq Ismael. (2025). Positive thinking and negative thinking among students practicing and non-practicing sports activities. Journal of Sport Science, 16(59), 155-172. https://doi.org/10.26400/sp/59/11