Some Offensive Formations and Their Relationship to Performance Level and Results of The Participating Teams in The Iraqi Handball Championship
Handball, Offensive Formations, Educational Teams, School TournamentsAbstract
This study aims to investigate the potential effects of certain offensive formations in handball on the performance of educational teams in school tournaments. Data was collected through surveys and questionnaires distributed to 100 supervisors of handball from six different schools in Iraq. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and the ratio difference test to verify research hypotheses. The results revealed a positive relationship between the use of various offensive formations and the performance of educational teams in school tournaments. Consequently, it can be inferred that teams that adopted these offensive formations improved their performance and increased their chances of winning and succeeding in school matches. Additionally, supervisors noted improved communication and teamwork among the teams after implementing these formations, and they felt more confident in their ability to execute them. Based on these findings, it is recommended to develop specialized training programs aimed at teaching and enhancing offensive skills in handball. Technical support and continuous training should be provided to schools and supervisors, guiding them in the proper implementation of these offensive formations. Furthermore, there should be a focus on promoting communication and understanding among team members, encouraging the sharing of experiences and knowledge among schools. In conclusion, the use of offensive formations in handball can be an effective step towards improving team performance and increasing the chances of success in school matches. This requires the development of specialized training programs, the provision of technical support and ongoing training, an emphasis on team communication and understanding, and the sharing of experiences and knowledge among schools.
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