The effect of applied exercises using the device (Verti max) to develop some physical abilities of goalkeepers for the youth football team


  • Hussain. J. Jasim Al-Dunnaw Ministry of Education – Directorate of the first Rusafa3
  • Saad Munam AL–Sheekhly University of Baghdad/College of Political Science



Football , Practical Exercises, Physical Abilities, VertiMax Device, Goalkeeper


The importance of the research comes from knowing the importance of the impact of the applied exercises of the training method using the Verti max device, which is one of the important and modern methods in explosive strength training and the distinctive strength of speed and speed of motor performance of the football goalkeeper. This method works by overcoming other traditional strength exercises such as training Weights and overcoming the decrease in speed as a result of these exercises. This method is also called the resistance method using the Verti max device. Influencing the development of a set of special applied exercises according to this method for training goalkeepers for the youth football team and identifying the impact of these exercises in developing some of their physical abilities, due to the weakness of their special training in the old traditional methods that they used to take in their clubs, but the research problem is determined by a method verti max exercises They are modern trainings specific to the goalkeeper center in order to raise the level of development of these abilities, which are considered among the requirements of the game in general and the requirements of this important center in particular, and that the researcher wanted to introduce this problem to develop solutions to it through the development of exercises, as well as knowing the impact of applied exercises. Using the (verti max) device to develop some physical abilities, and the percentage of their development for the goalkeepers of the young national football team, the researcher assumed that there is a discrepancy rate in the rate of development between the tribal and dimensional tests, in favor of the dimensionality of the physical abilities of the research sample, and the researcher used the experimental method in a comparative way for one group The method of pre-test and post-test to suit the nature of the problem The sample of the research was chosen in a deliberate way from the goalkeepers of the national team for the youth category, which is preparing to participate in the Asian Nations Youth Football Championship (2021), and their number is (4) goalkeepers, and they represent (50%) of the community of origin (8) goalkeepers. Those who were called from the youth category clubs participating in the football season (2020-2021) in Iraq for these ages, and the researcher carried out procedures for homogenizing them in terms of height, age, weight and training age, where the researcher used parameter statistics to provide conditions in the sample (homogeneity, moderation, and quantitative data) that are related to the topic of the research, and the exploratory experiment was conducted on a sample of (4) goalkeepers from the same origin community and they did not enter the main experiment on (14/11/2020), In order to identify the validity of the tests through their scientific bases, and then the results were presented in the form of tables, and were reinforced with graphic forms, and then were analyzed, and discussed in the scientific method, relying on their reinforcement of the researcher’s findings from scientific sources, including Arabic, and foreign, and documenting the Internet. The researcher concluded that the application of a set of applied exercises using the Verti max device had a direct impact on the development of some of the physical abilities of football goalkeepers, and the role of these abilities was positively reflected in the development of some of their skill and functional abilities.


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How to Cite

Hussain. J. Jasim Al-Dunnaw, & Saad Munam AL–Sheekhly. (2025). The effect of applied exercises using the device (Verti max) to develop some physical abilities of goalkeepers for the youth football team. Journal of Sport Science, 14(51), 1 – 25.