The effect of a proposed training curriculum in developing some offensive skills at the moment of possession of the ball among Diyala University football players


  • Turky Helal kazim Diyala University College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • Samer Saadoon Abdulridha Al-Rubaie University Of Diyala College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
  • bashaer Rahem University of Diyala / College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences



Training Program, Offensive Skills, Possession, Futsal


Despite the continuous and rapid development that has occurred in most sports activities, including gymnastics, the level of this game is still below the level of ambition required by university team players compared to open football or even club teams, because of what it requires from university teams being a basic pillar as well as not containing Some universities have open stadiums with good specifications, and one of the most important reasons for not reaching the level of these teams is the poor skill numbers of players, and through the researcher’s many observations as well as his practice of the same game for many years at the level of the Premier League, he found a “clear” weakness in the players’ performance Offensive skills with the ball at the moment of its acquisition, which led him to address this problem in an attempt to find a solution to it through this research as a step in developing this game and raising its level at the level of Iraqi universities.

The research aims to develop vocabulary of applied exercises for the applications of offensive skills at the moment of possession of the ball among the players of the research sample, and to identify the effect of the approach used in developing applications for offensive skills at the moment of possession of the ball among the players of the research sample. Diyala University football players in the halls for the academic year 2021/2022 totaling (17) players. (5) players were excluded for their participation in the exploratory experiment. Thus, the total of the research sample reached (12) players only, and they represent (70.58%) of the research sample.


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How to Cite

Turky Helal kazim, Al-Rubaie, S. S. A., & bashaer Rahem. (2025). The effect of a proposed training curriculum in developing some offensive skills at the moment of possession of the ball among Diyala University football players. Journal of Sport Science, 14(51), 59 – 71.